Friday, July 31, 2009

What's in a name?

Anyone else hate the word "fiancé"? I mean look at it. It even LOOKS smug.

Every time I talk about Ms. Temple of Groom I despise knowing that somewhere in the upcoming sentence I'll have to use the word fiancé. I really wish there was another word that described what she is.

Possible options presented to me have been terrible. Future wife and bride to be seem to be the alternates. Terrible. She's going to kill me for this, but I'm totally guilty of calling her my girlfriend after we got engaged. Not on accident either. Because I feel like SUCH a jerk when I say "fiancé". I'm definitely not hiding the fact that I'm engaged, and I truly love that I am, so if this is one of the rules in "He's just not that into you" give me a break.

Does anyone like this word? I even hate typing it on my phone because it keeps auto correcting me and adding the damn accent over the "e". What a jerk this word is. Any suggestions other than "get over it Dave"?


  1. Just call me "the girl who wears my bar mitzvah money on her finger". :)

  2. I'm not a fan of the word either, but I also don't like "boyfriend"... it sounds so middle-school to me... when I'm talking to someone in a professional manner I usually use the terms "partner" or "significant other"... neither one of them is all that much better, but at least I don't feel like I'm laying some sort of a personal claim to my "partner" =) In a personal conversation, I just use his name! lol

  3. Oh fiancée bleurgh.

    Although I really do not like being introduced as "partner" as it makes me sound like a gay cowboy.

    Oh, I much prefer girlfriend or even better womanfriend! Or how about being introduced as anna?

    P.S. I love your blog, how I wish my boy would write on "our" (read my) blog more often.

  4. Get over it Dave.

  5. How'd I know you'd be the one to suggest that Ben?

  6. I hate it too! it just sounds so ... cold and distant .. bleh.

  7. I actually like the word, but maybe that's because I'm such a girly girl. I'll freely admit it does sound completely pretentious. I think it's because it's just so...well...French.
    I occasionally just call my fiancee "The Boy" or "My Boy". I can't say I'm much of a fan of the use of girlfriend or boyfriend after being engaged though. Maybe you can refer to her as your beloved.

  8. You could always use the word "betrothed"... which probably sounds more pompous.

  9. I'll admit. He calls me his betrothed. He also hates the word the fiance, and he's a little more out there than most. So betrothed fits us just fine, and we have a little fun with it.

  10. Actually, when we were engaged we hated it too. We would even correct people if they said "fiance" in our presence. He opted to call me his "gife" (girlfriend + wife). We were hoping it would catch on.. but... it didn't.
